
Samant Group

Samant Group
Samant Group
Rahul Samant
Tenure Track Group Leader
Samant Group

51ÔÚÏß Summary

Cellular accumulation of misfolded proteins is a hallmark of ageing. In young cells, the proteostasis network limits toxicity by activating one or more systems for misfolded protein clearance. We focus on how these clearance systems are integrated within the network to maintain proteome health during youth, and how their dis-integration contributes to cellular senescence—another ageing hallmark with strong links to chronic inflammation and organismal frailty.

We currently use two evolutionarily distant cell types—budding yeast and primary human fibroblasts—to identify common, conserved lines of communication between different clearance systems of the proteostasis network, and how these get re-wired during replicative ageing (yeast) and senescence (mammals). Our lab employs multi-disciplinary approaches such as super-resolution imaging, flow cytometry, and mass-spectrometry-based proteomics to measure proteostasis capacity and senescence phenotypes as quantitatively and robustly as possible. As proteostasis modulators hold therapeutic promise in ageing-associated pathologies—with renewed interest in ‘senolytics’ specifically targeting senescent cells—we hope to drive fundamental discoveries that have a direct impact on promoting lifelong health.

We use a multi-disciplinary approach

We use a multi-disciplinary approach (left panel), using high-resolution imaging, flow cytometry, and mass spectrometry-based proteomics, to probe the relationship between loss of proteostasis and onset of senescence—two of the hallmarks of ageing (middle—adapted from Lopéz-Otín et al., 2013). Our current focus is on the interplay between different protein clearance systems in young vs. senescent cells (right).


Check out Rahul’s talk from Methuselah Health UK’s Conference on Why We Age (2020), entitled “Why we turnover our proteins (and how it gets done)"


Our current bioRxiv manuscripts

Harvey E. Johnston, Kranthikumar Yadav, Joanna M. Kirkpatrick, George S. Biggs, David Oxley, Holger B. Kramer, Rahul S. Samant

Rahul S. Samant, Silvia Batista, Mark Larance, Bugra Ozer, Christopher I. Milton, Isabell Bludau, Laura Biggins, Simon Andrews, Alexia Hervieu, View Harvey E. Johnston, Bissan Al-Lazikhani, Angus I. Lamond, Paul A. Clarke,  Paul Workman

Latest Publications

Open Access
Lord SO, Johnston HE, Samant RS, Lai YC Signalling

Skeletal muscle is a highly adaptable tissue, finely tuned by various physiological and pathological factors. Whilst the pivotal role of skeletal muscle in overall health is widely acknowledged, unravelling the underlying molecular mechanisms poses ongoing challenges. Protein ubiquitylation, a crucial post-translational modification, is involved in regulating most biological processes. This widespread impact is achieved through a diverse set of enzymes capable of generating structurally and functionally distinct ubiquitin modifications on proteins. The complexity of protein ubiquitylation has presented significant challenges in not only identifying ubiquitylated proteins but also characterising their functional significance. Mass spectrometry enables in-depth analysis of proteins and their post-translational modification status, offering a powerful tool for studying protein ubiquitylation and its biological diversity: an approach termed ubiquitylomics. Ubiquitylomics has been employed to tackle different perspectives of ubiquitylation, including but not limited to global quantification of substrates and ubiquitin linkages, ubiquitin site recognition and crosstalk with other post-translational modifications. As the field of mass spectrometry continues to evolve, the usage of ubiquitylomics has unravelled novel insights into the regulatory mechanisms of protein ubiquitylation governing biology. However, ubiquitylomics research has predominantly been conducted in cellular models, limiting our understanding of ubiquitin signalling events driving skeletal muscle biology. By integrating the intricate landscape of protein ubiquitylation with dynamic shifts in muscle physiology, ubiquitylomics promises to not only deepen our understanding of skeletal muscle biology but also lay the foundation for developing transformative muscle-related therapeutics. This review aims to articulate how ubiquitylomics can be utilised by researchers to address different aspects of ubiquitylation signalling in skeletal muscle. We explore methods used in ubiquitylomics experiments, highlight relevant literature employing ubiquitylomics in the context of skeletal muscle and outline considerations for experimental design.

+view abstract Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle, PMID: 39279720

Open Access
Samant RS, Batista S, Larance M, Ozer B, Milton CI, Bludau I, Wu E, Biggins L, Andrews S, Hervieu A, Johnston HE, Al-Lazikhani B, Lamond AI, Clarke PA, Workman P Signalling , Bioinformatics

The molecular chaperone heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) works in concert with co-chaperones to stabilize its client proteins, which include multiple drivers of oncogenesis and malignant progression. Pharmacologic inhibitors of HSP90 have been observed to exert a wide range of effects on the proteome, including depletion of client proteins, induction of heat shock proteins, dissociation of co-chaperones from HSP90, disruption of client protein signaling networks, and recruitment of the protein ubiquitylation and degradation machinery-suggesting widespread remodeling of cellular protein complexes. However, proteomics studies to date have focused on inhibitor-induced changes in total protein levels, often overlooking protein complex alterations. Here, we use size-exclusion chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry (SEC-MS) to characterize the early changes in native protein complexes following treatment with the HSP90 inhibitor tanespimycin (17-AAG) for 8 h in the HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cell line. After confirming the signature cellular response to HSP90 inhibition (e.g., induction of heat shock proteins, decreased total levels of client proteins), we were surprised to find only modest perturbations to the global distribution of protein elution profiles in inhibitor-treated HT29 cells at this relatively early time-point. Similarly, co-chaperones that co-eluted with HSP90 displayed no clear difference between control and treated conditions. However, two distinct analysis strategies identified multiple inhibitor-induced changes, including known and unknown components of the HSP90-dependent proteome. We validate two of these-the actin-binding protein Anillin and the mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 complex-as novel HSP90 inhibitor-modulated proteins. We present this dataset as a resource for the HSP90, proteostasis, and cancer communities (https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/shiny/HSP90/SEC-MS/), laying the groundwork for future mechanistic and therapeutic studies related to HSP90 pharmacology. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD033459.

+view abstract Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP, PMID: 36549590

Johnston HE, Yadav K, Kirkpatrick JM, Biggs GS, Oxley D, Kramer HB, Samant RS Signalling , Mass Spectrometry

Complete, reproducible extraction of protein material is essential for comprehensive and unbiased proteome analyses. A current gold standard is single-pot, solid-phase-enhanced sample preparation (SP3), in which organic solvent and magnetic beads are used to denature and capture protein aggregates, with subsequent washes removing contaminants. However, SP3 is dependent on effective protein immobilization onto beads, risks losses during wash steps, and exhibits losses and greater costs at higher protein inputs. Here, we propose solvent precipitation SP3 (SP4) as an alternative to SP3 protein cleanup, capturing acetonitrile-induced protein aggregates by brief centrifugation rather than magnetism─with optional low-cost inert glass beads to simplify handling. SP4 recovered equivalent or greater protein yields for 1-5000 μg preparations and improved reproducibility (median protein 0.99 (SP4) 0.97 (SP3)). Deep proteome profiling revealed that SP4 yielded a greater recovery of low-solubility and transmembrane proteins than SP3, benefits to aggregating protein using 80 50% organic solvent, and equivalent recovery by SP4 and S-Trap. SP4 was verified in three other labs across eight sample types and five lysis buffers─all confirming equivalent or improved proteome characterization SP3. With near-identical recovery, this work further illustrates protein precipitation as the primary mechanism of SP3 protein cleanup and identifies that magnetic capture risks losses, especially at higher protein concentrations and among more hydrophobic proteins. SP4 offers a minimalistic approach to protein cleanup that provides cost-effective input scalability, the option to omit beads entirely, and suggests important considerations for SP3 applications─all while retaining the speed and compatibility of SP3.

+view abstract Analytical chemistry, PMID: 35848328

Group Members

Rahul Samant

Tenure Track Group Leader

Yasmeen Al-Mufti

PhD Student

Gaurav Barve

Postdoc 51ÔÚÏß Scientist

Stephen Cranwell

PhD Student

Harvey Johnston

Postdoc 51ÔÚÏß Scientist

Devinda Soegianto

PhD Student

Ayesha Soomro

Visiting Student

Madel Tutor

Visiting Scientist

Todd Watts

PhD Student