BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P1W BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC X-LIC-LOCATION:UTC END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:313edde08080ea594ad31d1ec52daba5 DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210520T140000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210520T150000 LOCATION:Online via zoom SUMMARY:mTOR signaling in growth and metabolism CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Prof. Michael N. Hall\n\nProfessor of Biochemistry Biozentrum\, University of Basel\n\nMichael N. Hall received his Ph.D. from Harvard Un iversity and was a\npostdoctoral fellow at the Pasteur Institute (Paris\, France) and the\nUniversity of California\, San Francisco. He joined the B iozentrum of\nthe University of Basel (Switzerland) in 1987 where he is cu rrently\nProfessor and former Chair of Biochemistry. Hall is a pioneer in the\nfields of TOR signaling and cell growth control. In 1991\, Hall and\n colleagues discovered TOR (Target of Rapamycin) and subsequently\nelucidat ed its role as a central controller of cell growth and\nmetabolism. The di scovery of TOR led to a fundamental change in how\none thinks of cell grow th. It is not a spontaneous process that just\nhappens when building block s (nutrients) are available\, but rather a\nhighly regulated\, plastic pro cess controlled by TOR -dependent\nsignaling pathways. As a central contro ller of cell growth and\nmetabolism\, TOR plays a key role in development\ , aging\, and disease.\nHall is a member of the US National Academy of Sci ences and has\nreceived numerous awards\, including the Breakthrough Prize in Life\nSciences (2014) and the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Re search\n(2017).\n\nThis webinar is hosted by Nick Ktistakis\n\nJoin live h ere -\n\n \n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:

Prof. Michael N. Hall


Professor o f Biochemistry Biozentrum\, University of Basel


Michael N. Hall received his Ph.D. from Harvard University and was a postdoctoral fellow a t the Pasteur Institute (Paris\, France) and the University of California\ , San Francisco. He joined the Biozentrum of the University of Basel (Swit zerland) in 1987 where he is currently Professor and former Chair of Bioch emistry. Hall is a pioneer in the fields of TOR signaling and cell growth control. In 1991\, Hall and colleagues discovered TOR (Target of Rapamycin ) and subsequently elucidated its role as a central controller of cell gro wth and metabolism. The discovery of TOR led to a fundamental change in ho w one thinks of cell growth. It is not a spontaneous process that just hap pens when building blocks (nutrients) are available\, but rather a highly regulated\, plastic process controlled by TOR -dependent signaling pathway s. As a central controller of cell growth and metabolism\, TOR plays a key role in development\, aging\, and disease. Hall is a member of the US Nat ional Academy of Sciences and has received numerous awards\, including the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2014) and the Albert Lasker Award fo r Basic Medical 51ÔÚÏß (2017).


This webinar is hosted by Nick Ktistakis


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