BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC X-PUBLISHED-TTL:P1W BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC X-LIC-LOCATION:UTC END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:79f285ddc6944714778d1432d0ca78ee DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210407T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210407T160000 LOCATION:Online via zoom SUMMARY:\"The Rosalind Franklin Institute: Factor of 10 technologies\" Prof . Jim Naismith\; Institute Director CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:THIS WEBINAR WILL BE ONLINE VIA ZOOM. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED. \n\nThe Rosalind Franklin Institute was set up with the explicit goal of\n developing new imaging technologies. The Franklin has brought together\nex pertise to develop nanobody reagents against covid19.\n\nWe have also begu n an ambitious project to develop a new generation of\nelectron imaging te chnologies.\n\nJoin live using this link:\n X-ALT-DESC;FMTTYPE=text/html:
This webinar will be online via zoo m. No registration required.
\n\nThe Rosalind Franklin Inst itute was set up with the explicit goal of developing new imaging technolo gies. The Franklin has brought together expertise to develop nanobody reag ents against covid19.
\n\nWe have also begun an ambitious project to develop a new generation of electron imaging technologies.
\n\nJoin live using this link: https://z